Scriptie: Appraising non-market assets in the care
Estimating the market value of intramural, real estate assets in the care industry, within a standardised valuation framework
Ik heb onder andere gekozen voor Finance Ideas omdat ik graag bij een middelgrote organisatie mijn scriptie wilde schrijven. Dit stelde mij in de gelegenheid meteen veel verschillende aspecten van de organisatie te zien. Daarnaast wilde ik graag bij een financieel advies bureau afstuderen. De keuze voor vastgoed en finance is niet bewust gemaakt in die zin, het onderwerp zorgvastgoed genoot op dat moment erg veel aandacht en bood een mooie uitdaging.
Luuk Willems
Afstudeerstage Luuk Willems
This research focuses on estimating the market value of non-market assets in the healthcare sector. In particular the real estate assets used to deliver intramural care in the subsector nursing and care (VVT). The healthcare sector in the Netherlands is currently going through some major reforms as the costs of healthcare have increased rapidly over the years and are predicted to rise even further and at a faster pace.
There are two components of this reform which are particular important for this research; the separation of the living and care component of the lighter forms of care, and the change in compensation structure. The compensation structure changed from full and ex post to production-based and negotiable. The result of these changes is that risk is now introduced into a previously riskless investment in healthcare property, as the government would pay the costs related to the property entirely.
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